• Fast Facts

    Quick to establish.

    Boosts poor soils.

    Builds organic matter quickly.

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    Barley is known for it’s quick establishment and ability to rejuvenate poor soils with a root system that can commonly reach 6.5 feet deep. It prefers well-drained soils. It is somewhat hardy, but not necessarily as hardy as rye.

    Type: Nutrient Scavenger (Grass)

    Planting Timing:  Sept. 1- Nov. 1

    Seeding Rate:

    • Precision: 40 lb/ac
    • Drill: 50 lb/ac
    • Broadcast: 60 lb/ac

    Seeds/lb: ~14,000

    Planting Depth:  1 – 1.5 in

Benefits of Barley

Nitrogen Fixer: n/a
Nutrient Scavenger: Excellent
Soil Builder: Excellent
Compaction Relief

Topsoil: Excellent
Subsoil: Good

Erosion Control: Excellent
Residue Decomposition: Slow
Weed Suppression: Excellent
Grazing: Excellent
Forage Value: Good
Attracts Beneficial Insects: Poor


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