Annual Ryegrass

[info_list font_size_icon=”36″ icon_border_style=”solid” icon_border_size=”1″ border_color=”#b5b5b5″ connector_color=”#b5b5b5″ connector_animation=”fadeInUp”][info_list_item list_title=”Fast Facts” list_icon=”Defaults-check”] Deep Rooting. Infiltrates compaction.

Great in mixes.

Scavenges & traps residual nutrients for following cash crop.[/info_list_item][info_list_item icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^485|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^p-rootmax|description^null”]Annual Ryegrass is one of the best cover crops.  Although it has gotten some bad press due to mismanagement, when proper protocol is followed it is easily controlled in spring.   Annual Ryegrass has an aggressive root system that penetrates compaction and provides new channels for cash crop roots to reach water and nutrients. Significant yield increases are common with the use of Annual Ryegass.

Type: Nutrient Scavenger (Grass)

Planting Timing:  3-10 weeks before killing frost

Seeding Rate:

  • Precision: 8
  • Drill: 10
  • Broadcast: 15

Planting Depth:  ¼- ½ in.[/info_list_item][/info_list]

Benefits of Annual Ryegrass

Nitrogen Fixer: n/a
Nutrient Scavenger: Excellent
Soil Builder: Excellent
Compaction Relief

Topsoil: Excellent
Subsoil: Excellent

Erosion Control: Excellent
Residue Decomposition: Moderate
Weed Suppression: Fair
Grazing: Excellent
Forage Value: Fair
Attracts Beneficial Insects: Poor