Graph-Ex SA™ for Alfalfa / Clover

Graph-Ex SA™ for Alfalfa/Clover is an inoculant formulated to assist in establishing and maintaining good plant stand.

  • Improved Seedling Vigor
  • Proven yield benefits
  • Patent pending talc/graphite carrier with high adhesion
  • Grower applied
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Graph-Ex SA™ for Alfalfa/Clover is an inoculant formulated to assist in establishing and maintaining good plant stand. Graph-Ex SA™ for Alfalfa/Clover contains a specially formulated blend of Excalibre™ Alfalfa/Clover Inoculant plus SabrEx™ Root Inoculant formulated in a talc-graphite carrier.

Treats all species listed in both the alfalfa/sweet clover and in the true clover groups:

Alfalfa, bitter clover (sour), black medic, button clover, California bur-clover, fenugreek, hubam sweetclover, little bur-clover, snail bur-clover, spotted bur-clover, Tifton bur-clover, tubercle bur-clover, yellow alfalfa, yellow sweetclover, true clovers (trifoliump spp.), alsike clover, ball clover, berseem clover, bigflower clover, Carolina clover, cluster clover, crimson clover, hop clover, Hungarian clover, ladino clover, red clover, large hop clover, white clover, zigzag clover.


Graph-Ex SA™ for Alfalfa/Clover inoculant is a proprietary formulation containing a specific Rhizobium species. Alfalfa is a legume crop that, like soybeans, requires the process of nodulation for healthy plant growth. The Rhizobium will fix nitrogen after becoming established inside the root nodules.

Over Treat Pre-Inoculated Alfalfa

Our research has shown that one-year-old pre-inoculated alfalfa seed yielded 3% less on the first cutting and 5% less on the second cutting when compared to the same inoculated seed “over treated” with fresh Graph-Ex SA™ for Alfalfa/Clover. Even more impressive, 4-year-old, pre-inoculated alfalfa seed yielded 15% less on the first cutting and 17% less on the second cutting compared to the same inoculated seed “over treated” with fresh Graph-Ex SA™ for Alfalfa/Clover.

Graph-Ex SA™ for Alfalfa/Clover is an inoculant formulated to assist in establishing and maintaining good plant stand. Graph-Ex SA™ for Alfalfa/Clover contains a specially formulated blend of Alfalfa/Clover Inoculant plus SabrEx™ Root Inoculant formulated in a talc/graphite carrier.

Application Rate
Planter Box Application Method
Adverse Conditions and Virgin Land