Frosty Berseem Clover

  • Fast Facts

    Fixes 150lb/ac N commonly!

    Deep Rooted.

    Great Forage! Can be multi-cut.

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    Frosty Berseem clover is a great option for forage use and as an early planted cover crop. It synergizes with Alfalfa to boost productivity. It is also a solid choice to boost waning hay fields. Frosty offers high N production and low amounts of hard seed. It also doesn’t cause bloat in Livestock.

    Type: Nitrogen Fixer (Legume)

    Seeding Rate:

    • Precision: 8
    • Drill: 12
    • Broadcast: 16

    Planting Depth:  ¼ in.

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    None needed. It comes pre-coated.

Benefits of Frosty Berseem Clover

Nitrogen Fixer: Excellent
Nutrient Scavenger: Fair
Soil Builder: Fair
Compaction Relief

Topsoil: Good
Subsoil: Fair

Erosion Control: Fair
Residue Decomposition: Moderate
Weed Suppression: Fair
Grazing: Excellent
Forage Value: Excellent
Attracts Beneficial Insects: Excellent